Lonicera hispidula (Pink honeysuckle)

Lonicera hispidula (Pink honeysuckle)

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Lonicera hispidula
Pink Honeysuckle


Height: 4 ft

Width: 8 ft

Hardiness: Very Hardy

Natural Setting: Slopes and streambanks, protected canyons, foothills

Plant Type: Vine

Dormancy: Winter Deciduous

Form: Spreading

Growth Rate: Fast

Flower Season: Spring-Summer

Soil: Adaptable

Sun Exposure: Partial Shade

Water Requirements: Low once established

Cold Tolerance: Tolerates cold to -5° F



A vine with beautiful pink blooms that hummingbirds love. Primarily found along the coast from San Luis Obispo County northward, this plant also grows in the Sierra foothills and parts of southern California. It thrives on slopes and streambanks at elevations from sea level to 2,500 feet.³ It can climb larger shrubs or a trellis, or spread along the ground.

This plant does well in soils that are either moist year-round or dry in the summer with minimal irrigation. Frequently found climbing over shrubs at the woodland's edge, where its roots remain shaded and its foliage can reach the sun.


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